SEVENDUST Guitarist CLINT LOWERY To Record Solo Album In June

February 2, 2019

SEVENDUST guitarist Clint Lowery was recently interviewed by Anne Erickson of Audio Ink Radio. The full conversation can be streamed below. A few excerpts follow (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET).

On the group's latest album, "All I See Is War":

Clint: "We put a lot of work into it, so we hope that people like it and understand it. The thing that we really pride ourselves on is when people compare it to these old records. There's all this history here, so it's kind of cool when some of them are like, 'This is probably the best [thing] you've done.' I think every artist wants to hear that — your most recent work is your best work – but there's an element too where they compare it to certain songs, the older stuff, and say, 'Man, this has the same spirit as these old records,' which is also a compliment in itself."

On the downside of performing new songs live:

Clint: "They're a little nerve-wracking in the beginning, because people don't really know them that well, so they don't really go over great at first. We play the new songs, [and] it's not always a great experience at first until people really absorb the material."

On touring with TREMONTI:

Clint: "We're friends. John [Connolly, SEVENDUST guitarist] and Mark [Tremonti] are really close. We've known those guys for many years. I dig what Tremonti does with ALTER BRIDGE [and] what he does with his solo stuff, so it's great to let them come out with us and watch them. We know everyone in the band and the crew, and they're all good people. It just made total sense."

On what he admires about Tremonti's playing:

Clint: "I mean this in all due respect, [but] on the CREED tours we did with him, he was a good guitar player, but he wasn't like the guy you look at and see when you see TREMONTI now and hear that name. Yeah, he wrote great songs, but he wasn't, like, a shredder. He worked for that. I would watch him every single day [practice] for hours and hours. He has incredible discipline, and he made himself [better]. I had a discussion with him, and we talked about a [Paul Reed Smith guitars] event that he was at, and he was pulled up on stage to do this blues jam. He wasn't really skilled in blues, so for that next year, he just practiced and practiced. He forced himself into this guitar player, and it's just from his discipline running scales and all that. He really did the work. He wasn't just a prodigy that picked up a guitar and was playing it at 8 years old — he made himself into what he is now."

On whether the group has any plans to record new music:

Clint: "We don't want to wait a long time. We'll probably end up recording a new record at the end of this year. We already have ideas kind of floating around for it. I'll do a solo record in June and record it and release it after the SEVENDUST cycle slows down, but we'll probably end up tracking a [new] record this year."

On what to expect from his solo album:

Clint: "I'm going to sing. I'm going to play everything I can, even a couple of songs on drums, but I'll have a drummer come in and do most of the drums. Everything else, I'll do myself."

Lowery has appeared on nine of the 12 studio albums released by SEVENDUST in addition to performing with KORN, SEETHER and DARK NEW DAY. The latter group also featured his brother, bassist Corey Lowery (STEREOMUD, STUCK MOJO).

SEVENDUST's latest album, "All I See Is War", was released inMay 2018. It marked the group's first album for Rise Records, the Oregon-based metal and hard rock label which was purchased by BMG in 2015.

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